Saturday, November 26, 2005
Past to Present

If you click the picture, I think it makes it bigger :-)
I started Nutrisystem on January 18, 2005. I did it on my own for a week and a half before my food came. I lost 11 pounds that first week and a half! The first few months I lost about 10-12 pounds per month, then it started slowing, down, but I was never discouraged, thanks to the support on the NS bulletin board.
In the beginning I did no exercise at all. I had really severe plantar fasciitis and could hardly walk. My knees were about shot too. Amazing what carrying all that extra weight around does to your body!
I started exercising in March - I got a Body Glide because it was inexpensive and I didn't have to stand up to use it. At first, I could only do about 4 or 5 minutes. I slowly worked up to about 20 minutes. Then someone recommened Walk Away the Pounds (Leslie Sansone).
By this time, I had lost enough weight that my feet weren't as bad and the WATP workouts didn't bother my knees. I worked up from the 1 mile to the 3 mile and from 1 lb. weights to 3 lb. weights. Then I got the Walk & Jog, which led me to believe I might be able to try the couch to 5K program on
I can't believe it, but I now can run an entire 5K without stopping. I'm not fast, but I can do it. This from a woman who couldn't run from the front door to the mailbox a few months ago.
Now I run about 4-5 times a week. I still eat on plan, as I have 9 pounds still to lose in order to get to my goal. I'm only losing about 4-5 pounds a month, but that's just fine.
I've gone from a size 22/24 to a size 6/8. I thought, initially, that I'd be happy in a 12. Well, I wasn't. I'm not even happy in an 8, which would've sounded nuts to me a year ago. I'd like to be solidly in a size 6, and that's just around the corner. I may shoot for a 4. Who knows??
What I do know is this - If I can do this - anyone can!! There are 4 keys to success with Nutrisystem:
1. The food
2. Your will (not willpower - your WILL)
3. Exercise
4. The support community on the NS bulletin board
If you work at getting all of those keys in line, you'll be successful.

Congrats on your continued success!
I took your advice, Cathy - I hope this helps!