Susan's Weight Loss Journey

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Past to Present

If you click the picture, I think it makes it bigger :-)

I started Nutrisystem on January 18, 2005. I did it on my own for a week and a half before my food came. I lost 11 pounds that first week and a half! The first few months I lost about 10-12 pounds per month, then it started slowing, down, but I was never discouraged, thanks to the support on the NS bulletin board.

In the beginning I did no exercise at all. I had really severe plantar fasciitis and could hardly walk. My knees were about shot too. Amazing what carrying all that extra weight around does to your body!

I started exercising in March - I got a Body Glide because it was inexpensive and I didn't have to stand up to use it. At first, I could only do about 4 or 5 minutes. I slowly worked up to about 20 minutes. Then someone recommened Walk Away the Pounds (Leslie Sansone).

By this time, I had lost enough weight that my feet weren't as bad and the WATP workouts didn't bother my knees. I worked up from the 1 mile to the 3 mile and from 1 lb. weights to 3 lb. weights. Then I got the Walk & Jog, which led me to believe I might be able to try the couch to 5K program on

I can't believe it, but I now can run an entire 5K without stopping. I'm not fast, but I can do it. This from a woman who couldn't run from the front door to the mailbox a few months ago.

Now I run about 4-5 times a week. I still eat on plan, as I have 9 pounds still to lose in order to get to my goal. I'm only losing about 4-5 pounds a month, but that's just fine.

I've gone from a size 22/24 to a size 6/8. I thought, initially, that I'd be happy in a 12. Well, I wasn't. I'm not even happy in an 8, which would've sounded nuts to me a year ago. I'd like to be solidly in a size 6, and that's just around the corner. I may shoot for a 4. Who knows??

What I do know is this - If I can do this - anyone can!! There are 4 keys to success with Nutrisystem:
1. The food
2. Your will (not willpower - your WILL)
3. Exercise
4. The support community on the NS bulletin board

If you work at getting all of those keys in line, you'll be successful.

posted by Susan, 6:16 AM


I took your advice, Cathy - I hope this helps!

commented by Blogger Susan, 11:12 AM  
This is really great that you've been determined and stayed the course! I have a long way to go before it even starts to show!

Congrats on your continued success!
commented by Blogger Shirley, 11:14 AM  
Your post just made me cry...

commented by Blogger Scarlett O'Hara, 3:20 PM  

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