Sunday, January 29, 2006

On January 26, 2006, I made my goal weight of 150. It took me 373 days. It's the first time in many, many, many attempts at dieting over the last 30 or so years, but I finally did it.
I'm not quite ready to figure out maintenance. Since that 150 is on MY scale, I want to get to 150 on my doctor's scale now. There's about a 6 pound difference - of course, when I go to the doctor, I usually have clothes on and haven't just gotten up, etc. etc., but still - 6 more pounds would make it a nice round 100 pounds lost. We'll see though. I'm not stressing about it. I'm pretty darn happy where I am.
The picture on the right is me with two pairs of jeans - the size 4 ones I just got and the size 20W ones I saved from after I started. The sad part is, I thought I looked so good in those size 20W's! They were 2 sizes smaller than the ones I had before that!! (Too bad I didn't save THOSE!)
posted by Susan, 11:30 AM
OMG Susan, you look so little! Not even the same person I met. You are just radiant. And your blog is beautiful. LOVE the new template! You just look amazing. What a walking advertisement you are.
commented by
Emily, 9:06 PM

Susan, It so amazing what no longer carrying around extra weight can affect! -- Your energy, your clothes, your job, your smile!!! You look incredible! What a difference a year can make (when you make a difference)! You are such an inspiration to me! Thank you,
Missy - Liketoride
Missy - Liketoride
Stunning and Inspiring. Marvelous transformation!!
You are beautiful! What an accomplishment you've made. I'm so happy for you.