Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I just had my daughter take this picture this morning in some new clothes I got at New York & Company - they had a HUGE sale. I spent an hour in there trying things on and was just about crying in the dressing room because these are size SMALL! I have NEVER ever ever in my life worn anything smaller than size Large. Medium was amazing.... but SMALL??? It's just unbelievable.
I still have trouble seeing the new me, but taking pictures helps a lot.
posted by Susan, 5:36 AM
Wow! You look amazing!!!! Way to go!!! Yea for NS & NY & Co. :)
commented by
O' Natur Nail, 8:13 AM

Wow! I ditto Tressa!! You look amazing!!! Way to go girlie!!!
aka JannyAnne :-)
aka JannyAnne :-)
I know what you mean about having trouble seeing yourself. I have the same trouble. You look unbelievable though, Susan. You are beautiful!
I can't imagine the joy of fitting into those smalls! Great for you! You look fabulous =)